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An Interview with Suspenders

We’re continuing our creator interview series with the stylish Spendies, a streamer and digital artist who, as far as we’re concerned, IS the princess-core aesthetic.

1-AOGCARijVD8tVpUBsKDCXwHiya, my name is Suspenders, but the internet calls me Spendies! I’m a Black, queer digital artist, currently focusing my trade in creating Twitch Emotes for streamers. Creating slice-of-life content is also a huge passion of mine, so I’ve been using my Fanhouse platform to indulge in fashion and share snippets of my life as a resident of the District.


Do you have a “Why” when it comes to content creation?

Being a content creator helps me connect with others who share not only my interests, but also my values. Growing up, I always noticed that Black women and femmes are often overlooked when it comes to most things gaming and fashion. Whether it’s representation or opportunities. It was always so isolating to feel shut out of the communities you feel so passionate for.

I think becoming a content creator gave me a safe space to blossom into myself — aesthetically and socially. Wear what I want, say what I want, be who I want — and not let the expectations of what people think Black women should be, box me into a life I don’t want.

How did you first hear about Fanhouse?

I think through Twitter, for sure! At the time I was juggling the idea of adding Patreon to my list of content platforms. I remember being so burnt out at just the THOUGHT of having to create tiered content for yet another platform that is also good enough that it deserved monetization. Fanhouse seemed to be a place where people supported based on who the creator is, and not the content the creator makes. When I first heard about it, I knew I wanted to jump onboard!

What do you usually post on your Fanhouse?

Typically I post the MOST slice-of-life content on my private fanwall. My planned content is look books from my favorite outfits, vacation photos, and aesthetically pleasing, princess-core posts. Now that the weather is getting warmer in the city, I want to branch out this year into making lifestyle vlogs as well! Unplanned content is also really common, a lot of emotional sharing and “non-Instagram-perfect” pics as well.

As much as I’d love to live a picture perfect life 24/7, it isn’t realistic, and as I said before, I’m interested in nurturing real relationships with my fans. To me, that means being honest about who I am on and off camera!

Has Fanhouse affected your mindset towards content creation?

Honestly yes, so much so. I think a lot of creators get caught up in the “grind” mindset, and feel they need to CONSTANTLY be pumping out innovative content to make themselves standout, or hit a monetary goal. It isn’t even their fault, because we’re all fighting this Big-Brother-esque algorithm that punishes you if you aren’t chronically online and entertaining. It’s draining and exhausting.

But, I love that the Fanhouse culture doesn’t endorse that content strategy. It actually encourages its creators to take it easy, to connect and be human with their fans in order to foster authentic relationships. I think that’s a healthier mindset to have, rather than consistently trying to farm engagement from wider audiences.

Link me some looks of yours that you’re most proud of!

Here are some of my favorite recent shots!

The public/private fanwall is probably one of my favorite features of Fanhouse. I like to think most content creators are like me, where they don’t have enough hours in the day to make different content for each individual platform we use.

Instagram and Fanhouse scratch the same itch for me in terms of sharing fashion/look book content, but with Fanhouse, I can recycle my public posts from Instagram on my public fanwall, and add the additional parts of the same photoshoots behind the private fanwall. Now the same amount of photoshoot work can go a lot further AND has the chance to be monetized through tips and subs, without me having to do double the work!

Check out more of Spendies’ looks and work on her Fanhouse, Instagram, and Twitter! 💕

Lets get in touch!

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