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An Interview with Katskratchh

Earlier this year, we were lucky enough to sit down and interview Katskratchh about her experience with content creation and how she uses Fanhouse. Kat is a full-time content creator, streamer, and TTRPG player/GM. She’s also got ✨ moves ✨.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Hello! My name is Katskratchh and I’m a variety content creator across a ton of platforms including Twitch, Twitter, YouTube, and more. Life’s too short to just enjoy one thing, so I’m an absolute busybody that fills my life with video games, anime, reading, makeup, and of course TTRPGs.

Do you have a “Why” when it comes to content creation?

At first, when I jumped into creating, I thought it was just kind of something to do and a way to connect with others. I had an itch to scratch in the creative department, and so content creation was the solution.

Now, however, I think I use content as a way to still connect with others, but in a way to show life is fun and you can do anything you want. You don’t have to be the very best at everything you do to enjoy doing it. Heck, I have no business playing with makeup, jumping into every TTRPG group, and floundering around in video games, but I freaking enjoy it and hope that that shows others they can just enjoy things too.

How did you first hear about Fanhouse?

Last year, there was a large uptick in hate being spewed on Twitch, which is my main platform for creation. During that time, I, alongside other BIPOC creators, weren’t feeling safe, and we felt it was time to find a way for our communities to still support us without their funds going towards a platform which we didn’t feel protected on.

I think Fanhouse was making the rounds and really blowing up on my Twitter feed at that time, so I decided to look into it, ask some questions, and now I love it — the 90% cut sure doesn’t hurt either, hahaha.

A twitter post by @Katskratchh acknowledging #ADayOffTwitch
#ADayOffTwitch was a walkout to protest the hate raids and harassment present on Twitch and the company’s response to it. It was led by Black creators and coincided with the #TwitchDoBetter trend started by RekItRaven.
Has Fanhouse affected your mindset towards content creation?

I think Fanhouse has allowed me to relax a bit by giving me a space where I can really just post about EVERYTHING I love. On other platforms, followers and the algorithm don’t always vibe with everything you post about. They want you to always be funny or have something loud to say, etc, but then don’t really care about your passion projects or little niche things you want to share — which is totally fine!

But with Fanhouse, it’s been nice to just mindlessly share the things I love and more bits and pieces into my life without needing to worry about impressions or algorithms or anything like that.

What kinds of things have you been able to accomplish or experience because of your subs’ support?

Most people would probably mention something about the financial impact it has had, which is truly super nice, but honestly — because of my subs supporting me, we’ve started a book club, and I’ve read way more in the past year than I have in the last 10 years of my life. The financial support has really helped me as I’ve gone full-time into content creation, but the mental and social support of casually chatting and sharing interests together, like reading or TTRPGs, is incredible to me.

A twitter post by @Katskratchh showing off her book club exclusively on Fanhouse.
You post a lot about your TTRPG work on Fanhouse! What sort of things about campaigns and TTRPG brainstorming have you enjoyed sharing?

I am involved in so many TTRPG projects right now, and it’s one of those things where I can’t share EVERYTHING, but I can share little snippets of information and it’s been so fun. Recently, I’ve been posting character stuff, and opening up the floor to more questions to ask the character and whatnot, and I think the best thing about that is that I don’t only get to share the story and background that I personally have created, but then I get to basically play a creative game of answering the questions from my subs that I never even thought of! It gives so much more depth to these characters, and I think that’s really amazing.

Forgotten Paths, Ep. 7: The Dreams, Part 2 on Spotify
Kat is currently a player on “Forgotten Paths”, a D&D liveplay podcast which airs every Monday.

I’m actually working on a big secret project that should start coming out late spring/early summer, and as I will be GMing that project, I’m excited to share the information I have, and see how future questions may shape the world, the adventure, the whole entire thing!! My players better get ready hahahaha.

How do you think other TTRPG creators could benefit from using Fanhouse to post their brainstorming and content?

The cool thing about Fanhouse is that the people who are there are the people who WANT to be there — they WANT to support you. So, in a way, you can feel more comfortable sharing your ideas, your content, your thoughts, because they want to consume it, they want to ask questions, or maybe you want to ask them questions to get your brain zooming around and thinking of more things to add to your character or your world that you’re building.

You won’t be surrounded by people trying to be rude, nitpick, or hate just to hate — it’s really refreshing. And if you’re one of those people that like to over plan your backstory, you have details that will literally never come up in anything you play, you have fun quirks about your planned session or your character; well, Fanhouse is a fantastic place to post all the extra snippets the rest of the world may never see!

Lets get in touch!

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