Fanhouse Blog

Locked Posts 101

Written by Fanhouse | March 14, 2023

Locked posts are one of the most popular ways to make money on Fanhouse. Here’s everything you need to know about making the most out of locked posts.

What are locked posts and how do I make one?

Locked posts are a great way to monetize your text and photo content within your private feed on your Fanhouse.

This tutorial will walk you though how to make a locked post, how the post gets displayed on your feed, and how to utilize the bonus image.

How to make a regular locked post
  1. Before you get started, verify that you are an unrestricted creator. Locked posts are a restricted feature, which means that you need to have at least five fans in your Fanhouse to unlock this feature. If you feel like you need this restriction lifted sooner, email us at

  2. Create a regular private feed wall post with text and photo(s). This text and photo(s) will be hidden when you lock the post.

  3. Click on the lock icon, which will open up the lock settings.

  4. Set the cost to unlock the post. This number represents the amount each fan will pay to unlock this post.

  5. Describe what’s in the locked post. Your fans will see this description before they unlock the post.

  6. Once you’ve set your preferences to your liking, click “Done.” This will bring you back to your private feed.

    Here’s what your fans will see.

What is that bonus image toggle?

When you create a locked post, you also have the option to add a bonus image and use our new community unlock feature. Here’s how it works!

  1. When you create a locked post, you can also choose to attach one “bonus image” to that post.

  2. Each person who pays to unlock the post gets to see the locked content, and then they ALSO get to unlock one tile from your bonus image. Everyone in your Fanhouse can see the unlocked tiles of the bonus image, even if they did not pay to unlock the original content.

  3. Once all tiles have been unlocked, everyone will be able to see the full bonus image, even if they have not paid to unlock the set.

    Note that only those who have paid to unlock the post can see the original locked post; if others want to see the locked post, they still need to pay to unlock it!


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