Fanhouse Blog

Fanhouse Feature: Community Unlocks

Written by Fanhouse | January 19, 2023

When you create a locked post, you also have the option to add a bonus image and use our community unlock feature. Here’s how it works!

What if fans could work together to collectively unlock bonus content for the community? 🤔

When you create a locked post, you can also choose to attach a bonus image to that post. When your fans pay for locked content, they also get to unlock a tile to reveal the bonus image to everyone.

Check this video out to see how this works!

  • 0:00 - 0:01. Community Unlocks.
  • 0:01 - 0:04. Get your community to work together to unlock exclusive content.
  • 0:05 - 0:09. Create a locked post on your private feed.
  • 0:10 - 0:12. Add a bonus image that your fans will work together to reveal.
  • 0:13 - 0:17. Fans can pay to unlock your post and reveal a tile from your bonus image.
  • 0:18 - 0:23. Fans work together to reveal your bonus image for the whole community.
What do my fans see?
  1. When you post a locked post using the community unlock feature, your fans will see a description of the locked post, along with the amount they need to contribute to unlock the post and a piece of the bonus image.




  2. If your fan contributes the required amount, they unlock two things.

    1. The locked post for themselves
    2. A tile from the bonus image to reveal for all your fans!


  3. When the full image has been unlocked, all your fans will be able to see the bonus image. Teamwork makes the dream work!

    Note that fans who haven’t paid to unlock the full post will only see the bonus image, not the original locked photo. 🔒

What are some fun ways I could use my bonus image?

Fanhouse users always end up surprising us with their creativity whenever we launch new features. Here are some ideas to get those gears turning:

  • Unlock an image with a promo code for 15% off my merch! 💸
  • Unlock a preview of the next photo set I’m going to drop! 📸
  • Unlock a URL for my new YouTube video before it goes live! 📽️
  • Unlock the new lineup for my next album! 🎵


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